App Inventor , Web Design - CS 7th Grade

7th Grade App Inventor and Web Development

In 7th grade, students learn how to make Android apps for smart phone and tablet using MIT's App Inventor. App Inventor allows students to quickly create apps for the technology many of them use everyday. This block-based coding environment encourages students to experiment and problem solve, which builds computer science skills and digital confidence.

In addition to creating apps, students are introduced to JavaScript and Web Development which will prepare them to explore the more complex topics in future classes.

Students learn about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and create apps to promote sustainable future for all.

You can read more about the SDG goals here

This is the Quality Education App a created to promote quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. The UN Global Goal the student worked on is Goal # 4: Quality Education - ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

This is the Gender Equality App created to promote equitable opportunities for all. The UN Global Goal the student worked on is Goal # 5: Gender Equality - achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.